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MDM 3 tips for Emceeing an Event with Rebecca

Hey guys I'm Rebecca Zaccard and welcome back to Mic Drop Minute.

Today I'm gonna give you three tips for emceeing an event if you're not a professional host then getting up in front of people might not be in your comfort zone but I got you. Number one prepare my background is in sports hosting so doing the research calms my nerves and gets me in the zone for you what's the goal of your event is there some knowledge you could brush up on that will get you feeling more comfortable. Two know your audience remember it's not about you it's about them when i host for the packers it's easy for me to know my audience because I'm one of them for you if you're hosting a work event you probably know your colleagues pretty well too and if you don't learn a little bit about them. Number three now you're at the event you're ready to go now what throw it all out the window i kid kind of the most important thing is to be in the moment the most magical stuff happens when you're fully present so that's it see you next time!