Mic Drop Entertainment

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MDM Audience Participation with Game Shows

Hey what's going on guys welcome back here to another episode of Mic Drop Minute my name is Brian Lansing now today I want to talk about audience participation and how important it is to get them involved in the actual event instead of just having them sit back and watch and be spectators getting your audience involved is a great way to make sure that your event is going to be successful now one of the ways that we like to do this is through our game show entertainment we do family feud quiz show wheel of fortune the newlywed game for weddings what this does is it gets them involved they're answering questions they're talking to other people at the event they're laughing they're really involved and engaged in the event rather than again just sitting back watching and you know wondering our what time is the speaker going to be done just talking at me so whether you're doing a wedding a non-profit fundraiser a corporate party you wanna make sure that your audience is somehow involved and engaged in a game show is a great way to get the job done that's another episode of Mic Drop Minute I'll see you next time.